Pink Stinks

Pinkstinks is a campaign and social enterprise that challenges the culture of pink which invades every aspect of girls’ lives.

Their site is for parents and non parents alike, and aims to gather support, promote discussion and ultimately to mobilize that support to influence marketeers and the media about the importance of promoting positive gender roles to girls.

“Research tells us that self-esteem amongst girls is at its lowest ever and we are asking WHY?

We believe that body image obsession is starting younger and younger, and that the seeds are sown during the pink stage, as young girls are taught the boundaries within which they will grow up, as well as narrow and damaging messages about what it is to be a girl.”

Emma and Abi Moore behind PinkStinks,  were featured in the Guardian in December.- the campaign for real role models – challenging the culture of pink by focusing on brilliant women to inspire girls to achieve great things – PinkStinks aims to counteract the slurry of media obsession on women who are ‘famous’, ‘thin’ ‘rich’ or ‘married to famous men’, by celebrating those women that we see as inspirational, important, ground-breaking and motivating.

Read their blog and follow them on twitter.

Check out their sister site Cool To Be Me :

“We believe that the media gives narrow and damaging messages to girls, and celebrates unobtainable beauty ideals over real achievement. Pinkstinks has been highlighting the issues and starting the debate. is where we offer something different to kids and their parents. We believe that role models are important and it is here that we will be celebrating many of the fantastic women and their skills, ambitions and strengths which go beyond just looking pretty being thin and having money.”

“I am nine years old and I think PinkStinks is my voice. Girls like me shouldn’t be forced to like pink. Can you think of a good name for girls who don’t want to be girly girls but aren’t tomboys?”

“carry on and make it easier for girls like me to try different things without feeling like an outsider.”

a young mother asked “Well done for raising this issue and giving us parents a focus for change, to raise our daughters to aspire to dignity, goodness and equality rather than big boobs and tiny waists!”

Absolutely brilliant.