The End of Design was the public lecture accompanying my recent Masters Exhibition.

“Modern design has run its course. The challenges of our age demands a new design; in place of designing for desire we should design for inclusion, understanding and real world problem solving. The power of design thinking presents us with new opportunities for the future.

As Scotland’s top rated institution for research design, the University of Dundee is uniquely placed to set out a new vision for the future of design. In this special lecture, Professors Tom Inns and Mike Press – both internationally acknowledged writers, researchers and broadcasters on design – provide a provocative and visionary of design in the 21st Century.

Evidence of this new design is seen in the work of this year’s graduating Masters of Design students. The lecture accompanies their masters exhibition, providing vital contexts and insights into their work. Together, the lecture and exhibition emphasise Dundee’s unique approach to the research and practice of design. “

Lasting around an hour this video is a deep insight into The Master of Design Course at Dundee and the work at our Masters exhibition. It is definitely one to watch for the students who have gotten in touch with me as they are considering applying for the course – and other Masters students who are embarking upon a design journey.

It should not be missed – design against crime | service design | co design | social design | transformation design | product design | interaction design | design for well being | design for disability | design thinking | design management | interdisciplinary…the list goes on….

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more about “THE END OF DESIGN on Vimeo“, posted with vodpod

Tom, who was my project mentor, recently shared his archipelago of design at a workshop in London. Lauren Tan documented the day really well, in particular her insights from Toms model.